Cooperazione Odontoiatrica Internazionale ETS
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COI Vision is a world without poverty where cultural diversities, equal rights and opportunities coexist and in which oral health is a right for everyone and not a reality denied or an optional choice.

Our Mission is the promotion of basic oral health in low-income countries and in the most vulnerable segments of the population in Italy.

Our working method: COI implements international cooperation projects answering to specific requests made by the involved communities. These projects include training of local staff, prevention and treatment activities, using the most suitable technology for the environment and for the capacity of local staff, in order to ensure an independent project management and the sustainability of the projects over time.

Every project includes a careful feasibility study to define the goals, which will be achieved in partnership with the local stakeholders.

Indeed, the meaning of International Cooperation for COI is to work “with” and “for” less favored communities, because only through dialogue, collaboration, transparency and shared responsibility we can effectively fight poverty and guarantee equal dignity, rights and opportunities.

In Italy we promote the awareness of the necessity of a common effort to fight the causes of the gap between Global North and Global South and to guarantee the right to oral health in less favored communities.

Thanks to the goals reached over the past years, COI has obtained a qualified experience to intervene on:

Training and updating of local staff.

Setting up of dental clinics and transfer of suitable technologies.

Rehabilitation of medical care and prevention services in post-conflict or in emergency areas.

Prevention and education on basic oral health.

Humanitarian war emergency.

Sending staff and volunteers for medical care activities.

COI aims to remove the causes of social distress that exclude millions of people from oral care all over the world.